3D Movie Review Contest

Pick one title of any movies you have seen in 3D. (The movie does not have to be playing in theaters right now. Could be the one you saw last month, or even last year.) Write the review (in English or Bahasa Indonesia). Maximum length: 300 words. Send it in .doc or .txt format to caramelscreen@gmail.com. Deadline: September 27, 2011. Include your full name, your ID (KTP) number, and your Twitter username. You can only send one review.

Simple guidelines for movie reviews CaramelScreen style:

01. No spoiler. (Yes, even when the movie is already 100 years old!)
02. Focus on what you like best about the movie. If you need to criticize, make it witty and/or funny, instead of harsh.
03. How was the 3D? Was it just a gimmick? Why do we have to see the movie in 3D?
04. Who do you think is perfect to see this movie, and how? With a bucket of popcorn? With a box of tissue? With a gang of geeks?

Top 10 submissions will be posted in our Contest page. Please help us promote them through Twitter. It’d be great if your fellow moviebuffs could leave some comments. Our account is @CaramelScreen, by the way.

There will be 10 Buy-1-Get-1-Free vouchers to experience blitzmegaplex RealD 3D. First Winner will get 5 (five) vouchers, Runner-Up will get 3 (three) vouchers, and 2 (two) vouchers for the Third Winner. You can use the vouchers at any blitzmegaplex site until December 2011.